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Where IoT

Don't Work

SoFlow is the most innovative and reliable solution to monitor your remote water system.

Ease of mind & ease of use:

Plug the box, set the SMS line, customize your live dashboard and set up the alert system: it’s done!

Save time and money:

Detect leakages and prevent any service interruption from the water flows data transmitted.


On the go, monitor the data and interventions in each site directly on the app.


Combines 3 key

Our SoFlow device is specially designed for extreme areas. Directly connected to the pumping system it ensures a repetitive transmission of water fows data through SMS network.

  • With deeper network penetration compared to IoT and conventional technologies, collect your data even when the data coverage doesn’t reach
  • Power autonomous with a 10 years battery life

With a dedicated line & a redundancy feature that reduces the possible loss of data.

Only 1 to 4 SMS per day

By transferring waterfows data through SMS network, SoFlow guarantees that you always have an accurate & live information, even from your most remote infrastructures.

  • Log to our web platform to monitor all your live data at a
    glance and customize your dashboard.

  • Take informed decisions with an access to alerts, site track
    records and reporting tools available on web platform.

Monitor your infrastructure from everywhere with the App.

  • All the metrics displayed on Dashboard also available on the


  • Create new sites, add technician interventions and set up
    alerts for each site


  • Grant unique access for specific users for each site

Quickly deploy our solution with the app installed on a dedicated phone and working as a secured interface transmitting the data collected from the device to the database


solution based on your needs


  • Ideal for monitoring small to middle size infrastructures of few water production sites.
  • SMS collected and sent to the platform via SoFlow Link app installed on a dedicated phone
  • Quick deployment


  • Perfect for securely controlling large water production and a large quantity of sites in multiple areas.
  • Data collected and sent to the platform via a secured gateway or via the SoFlow Link App.
  • Large choice of options for SoFlow Link App and platform customization.
  • Setup assistance & secured whatsapp support

Beyond water

Sopo Connect

Sopo team of engineers is currently working on adding specific metrics for different usages in remote locations.

  • Well water level monitoring
  • Solar energy production
  • High power line and energy transmission
  • Environnemental studies

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